Christina Cherry Healing


Learn how to manifest your dreams

by Cherry

Manifesting your dreams – and how to get out of your own way

What is the key to manifesting your dreams? How do we get the Law of Attraction to work?

You may have heard of the Law of Attraction – but does it really work? The key to manifesting your dreams and whatever you want in life is to practise FEELING often the joy that you will have when what you want has manifested. You need to feel that joy in your present moment because if you see it in the future, it will stay in the future. Conscious creation requires you to feel as if what you want has already manifested. Then it’s just a short step for your reality to match your vibration.

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by Cherry

What creates illness? A holistic explanation

What creates illness?

What creates illness? Many people believe we at the mercy of our genetics. They think whatever we’ve inherited from our parents is likely to pop up in our own bodies sooner or later. But that’s not the full story of the causes of illness. Prolonged negative thinking and negative outlook can impact our health.

change your negatives to positives

by Cherry

Change your negatives to positives

How can you change your negatives to positives by simply altering your thinking?

You may have heard of the ‘Law of Attraction’. You may be aware of the teachings of Abraham Hicks or the book, The Secret, but what does it actually mean and how do you get it work for you?

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What is a Spirit Guide and how does a drawing help?

26/04/2016 by Cherry | 4 Comments

What is a Spirit Guide?

Christina Cherry Art Angelic Spirit GuideMy understanding is that all Spirit Guides are representations of our own Inner Being or Core Self. This is the much vaster part of us in spirit that is our true essence and life force. The Inner Being chooses to show itself with a particular physical image to get us to pay attention. It wants us to work with the guide to deepen our connection to the Inner Being itself so we can have better communication and guidance.  View the pictures →

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