Christina Cherry Healing


Access Consciousness Bars Bedfordshire

Access Bars

What is an Access Bars session?

Access Bars Diagram Bedfordshire

“It felt like the files in my brain had been cleared, like a de-frag on a computer”

Access Consciousness Bars is a process of lightly touching 32 points on your head to help remove the redundant thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. If you’re looking for stress relief and clearing mental clutter, The Bars can help. It’s rather like cleaning up the hard drive of your mental computer. You’re hitting ‘delete’ on the junk folder and creating more space for new useful uploads. Furthermore Access Bars helps to stop those automatic self-limiting thought programs that come up and disrupt what you’re trying to achieve.

What appears to happen is that as the practitioner touches the points which correlate to head meridians, they discharge the energy which holds the limiting beliefs in place in the neural connections of your brain. It frees up energy to help you be more energised and calmer. Many people say they feel more space in their head – as if it’s been decluttered.

Does Access Bars really work?

Scientific research has proven that Access Consciousness Bars really works. Dr Terrie Hope published the results of her scientific research into The Bars in the Journal of Energy Psychology in 2017. It showed that after one Access Bars session, recipients showed a significant decrease in the severity of anxiety (84.7% average) and depression (82.7% average). Brainwave measurements before and after Access Bars showed an increase in brain coherence in all participants.

Neuroscientist Dr Jeffrey L Fannin found that after a session of Access Bars, the brainwaves of the recipient were similar to those of a person who has meditated regularly for many years. Furthermore, previously overactive areas of the brain were visibly much calmer when viewing brainmaps via EEG. There was greater brain and heart coherence.

Brainwave coherence is associated with communication between brain regions and optimal brain coherence is correlated with many things such as intelligence, learning ability, alertness, reaction time and creativity.

See Dr Fannin’s evidence of the benefits of Access Consciousness Bars

What happens in a Bars session?

This is an incredibly nurturing and very relaxing process.  All you need to do is get comfortable and then receive.

You lie fully clothed, on your back. The Access Bars practitioner lightly touches a series of points on your head – each for several minutes while you relax. This process releases all those redundant ‘files’ and ‘programs’ which are holding those limiting thoughts and beliefs in your subconscious. So ease and lightness can take their place. It’s great for stress relief.

At worst you may feel deeply relaxed. At best your whole life can change for the better, with total ease, as you’ve undone the limitation in many aspects of your life.

Some client Feedback:

Access Bars Healing Bedfordshire

“The Bars session felt quite overpowering at some points; I felt tingling all over, especially on my right leg and knee. After the session my headache felt better and my sinuses had cleared up. Since then I have felt more positive and have meditated more. I also dealt with a stressful situation very well.” Julia West, Clapham, Bedford

“Just wanted to thank you for the access to bars treatment I had including the Indian head massage. It was an absolutely incredible experience. My mind and intentions feel clear, I am at ease in life and I’m feeling like my authentic self again. I will definitely be returning thank you so much.” CG, Bedford Read more Access Bars reviews

How does Access Bars help?

Access Consciousness Bars Bedfordshire

Clients often report feelings of deep connectedness and peace during an Access Bars session. It seems to help them connect more fully with their inner, spiritual self, their Inner Being.

In the 25 years that this technique has been practised, the “Bars” have assisted many people in changing various aspects of their life. This includes health, finances, relationships, anxiety, stress and more! It is currently used in prisons, businesses and schools around the world to facilitate greater health and wellbeing.

Changes can happen after even just one session of releasing unhelpful stuff. Furthermore, although I’m working as an Access Bars practitioner, the other healing energy I can access flows whenever I work with a client. So you are also receiving healing. Many clients report feeling healing energy in other parts of the body while I’m running the Bars on the head.

You may choose to have the Bars as a one-off. Many people choose to have it monthly or fortnightly. The benefits are cumulative, so the more you have it the better you feel.

Some of the benefits of Access Consciousness Bars

Effects are individual but these are just some of the benefits people have reported:

  • Increased energy
  • Reduced mental ‘chatter’
  • Stress relief
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Healing emotional scars
  • Releasing weight/body image issues
  • Reducing or eliminating pain
  • Relief from depression, suicidal thoughts or fatigue
  • Clarity of thought
  • Enhanced physical healing
  • Less procrastination
  • Improved sleep
  • Clearing blocks that are preventing you from moving forward
  • No longer being affected by people & situations
  • Shifting relationship trauma & drama
  • Ease around money issues
  • Easier communication
  • More kindness, peace & calm

How much does an Access Bars session cost?

The cost of an in-person session to have your Bars run is £50. You may notice significant changes after just one session, but the more sessions you have, the more benefit there will be.

stress relief massage Access Bars

Combine Access Bars with Indian Head Massage for complete stress relief, de-tox & relax. The head massage fully relaxes you first, to help you let go more easily of your limiting thinking in the second part, the Access Bars.