What is Reconnection Science?
Scientists are excited by the measurable changes that take place with Reconnective Healing. Here are some of the results of Reconnection Science tests:
• Reconnective Healing triggers significant changes in brain activity (via EEG scans) and heart activity (via ECG scans) of both practitioner and patient during healing sessions. In particular the practitioner’s ECG scan affects the patient’s EEG scan. The frequencies are strong and palpable. Physical sensation tests and double blind, randomized studies have proven them to be real. (See Dr Gary Schwartz research below.)
• Additional measurement studies confirm that Reconnective Healing practitioners emit and transmit an increased amount of light and other electromagnetic frequencies around their bodies. Practitioners flowing Reconnective Healing increase the amplitude and oscillation of magnetic frequencies around their bodies. Scientists have measured these changes in the laboratory.
• The emotional state or stress levels of the practitioner do not affect the level of healing received with Reconnective Healing. Lab tests on heat stressed bacteria revealed this.
• Lab studies have shown that Reconnective Healing practitioners affect visible changes in DNA. One example is helping plants to heal after being ‘shocked’ or damaged.
• Other tests involving random event generators have shown that the Reconnective Healing frequencies bring harmony to chaos. They create unusual organised patterns in the normally random output of the machines.
What the Scientists say about Reconnection Science
Studies by Professor Konstantin G Korotkov PhD:
Deputy Director of Saint-Petersburg Federal Research Inst of Physical Culture; Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at Saint-Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies; Member of the Federal Russian University Scientific Board on new medical technologies. http://korotkov.org/
Dr Korotkov has recently published a book: Science Confirms Reconnective Healing. Using cutting edge imaging and measurement devices, Professor Korotkov’s research corroborates the work of both Tiller and Schwartz below. More specifically, he has also measured and documented a very large field effect at Reconnective Healing seminars. He calls them ‘coherence effects’ that occur during the teaching of the seminars. These effects are most dramatic and powerful whenever attendees learn a new concept or exercise. These teachings result in dramatic spikes in both the intensity and size of the field in the room. He theorizes these ‘coherence effects’ are what might be allowing people to gain these new abilities and become master healers.
Work with Olympic Athletes
Before and after Reconnective Healing
Professor Korotkov also works extensively with Olympic Athletes in Russia. Read here details of his amazing research results, giving evidence of enhanced physical and mental performance after Reconnective Healing, and even rapid healing of a leg fracture.
His most recent research gives proof of the long lasting benefits: “We may conclude that session of the Reconnection Healing had statistically significant positive influence on the functional state, humoral activity, physical condition and reaction to loading for the group of people in 10 days after the influence. This signifies long-lasting effect of the Reconnection Healing and its significance for well-being and health condition of people.”
Research into Reconnection Science by Dr William Tiller:
Professor Emeritus of Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science; Fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science http://www.tillerinstitute.com/
“many kinds of energy and light are flowing through the healer and into the healee [sic]. In other words, what we’re talking about is bringing it beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information.”
We now know that the body heals through frequency, vibration and resonance and it’s communicated through light. So the fact the Reconnective frequencies contain an element of light is very significant. In 1970, a German scientist, Fritz-Albert Popp made an interesting discovery while researching causes of cancer. He found that our DNA emits a certain level of light and uses frequencies of every variety as an information tool. This suggests that the body’s biofeedback system depends on light waves. Popp discovered that light was responsible for photorepair of cells. He also found that carcinogens cause cancer because they permanently block this light and scramble it so the photorepair can no longer work. When we are ill, our light waves are out of synch.
Changes to the energy of the room
Dr Tiller explains: “We did an experiment with one of the healing workshops…. The data was quite remarkable. First of all, we found that when we started monitoring the room, which was before anyone ever came into the room, we measured a higher gauge symmetry state than in normal reality. It was already a conditioned space! So something had happened before people even gathered. We found two days later the increase in this effective energy content was huge. So let me put it in terms that might be understandable. If we look at a normal reality and we say ‘What is the effective temperature increase for that normal space, how much must it go up to give the same excess energy content…?’ The effective temperature increase for a normal space would have been 300 degrees Centigrade! That is huge!”
Researchers have now measured these amazing energy shifts at 5 different Reconnective Healing seminars. Hear Dr Tiller explain this research himself:
Reconnection Science Research by Gary Schwartz, PhD:
Professor of Psychology, Surgery, Medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry; Director, Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health, University of Arizona; Author of The Energy Healing Experiments http://www.drgaryschwartz.com
This team conducted 4 controlled experiments to determine whether Reconnective Healing energy was something basic science in the laboratory could prove. The first test showed that blindfolded subjects could detect the energy up to 83 percent of the time. The second showed that the energy functions like an electromagnetic signal. The third showed that the sender’s heart wave, measured by electrocardiogram (EKG) imprints itself on the receiver’s brainwave, measured by electroencephalogram (EEG). “Most significant in this third experiment,” Schwartz says, “is that whether or not the receiver was consciously aware of the energy, the EKG imprinted just the same. So there is unconscious energy detection that can be recorded electromagnetically.”