Christina Cherry Healing


OldPain2Go pain relief
OldPain2Go pain relief


What is OldPain2Go?

OldPain2Go® helps with pain reduction or removal. It’s a way of helping you and your body reassess the unconscious processes that decide on the need for pain, and the level of it. It can also help to delete old mental and emotional programs that are no longer serving you. OldPain2Go is not a medical treatment or a cure for any illness or ailment.

It is a totally safe way of releasing pain that no longer serves a purpose. OldPain2Go involves direct communication with the subconscious, whilst you are consciously aware. It isn’t hypnosis but it does communicate with the same part of the mind that hypnosis does. It gets your unconscious and conscious aspects to talk to each other with the practitioner acting as an intermediary.

If you would like a FREE consultation to discuss whether OldPain2Go would be appropriate for you, please text me on 07913405007.

Why old pain may linger

Pain has a purpose when it relates to a new problem or injury. In most cases our bodies heal themselves with no conscious input from us. But sometimes when the original injury has healed, the pain still lingers. It’s still running the old pain program, unaware that it’s no longer needed. Just like a fire alarm still ringing after the fire has been put out. OldPain2Go resets the alarm.

OldPain2Go is fast, safe, effective and with lasting results. With this technique you can expect a drastic reduction in pain, or complete removal. In some cases, you may need a follow up session if the subconscious is holding on to the pain for an emotional reason.

Client feedback on OldPain2Go

There are over 140 Client Feedback Videos on the OldPain2Go main website. Watch here clients describing their personal experiences and their perceptions in the changes of pain level. However, these are personal experiences and therefore are not indicative of any experience you should expect.

OldPain2Go with other conditions apart from pain

It can also help with issues such as weight-loss, smoking cessation, and allergies. OldPain2Go helps the unconscious review whether those old mental and emotional programs are no longer helpful, and if so delete them. If you are suffering from Fibromyalgia, ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, please read here. This is Steven Blake’s (founder of OldPain2Go) explanation of how he believes these illnesses start and what sufferers need to do to release themselves from these conditions.

Cost of an OldPain2Go session

One session costs £60. Two sessions are recommended. The follow up session helps to ensure you stay on a positive path afterwards.

If you would like a FREE consultation to see whether OldPain2Go would be appropriate for you, please text me on 07913405007.

Please note: This does not constitute medical advice nor is it a substitute for it. You must have been diagnosed by a medical professional who has prescribed or advised pain relief. OldPain2Go ® will work with you to help you access the part of your mind that deals with your own healing processes. It will help you ask for it to review your pain messages and any old mental programs that aren’t helping you. It is not a treatment, it is a non-medical intervention of self-work. After a session, you should not discontinue any medications without consulting a doctor.

pain reduction or removal

Author: Cherry

Energy Healing & Sound Healing therapist based in Bedfordshire - Cambridgeshire. 12 years healing experience. Effective healing therapies for relieving stress, anxiety, emotional and physical issues, with practical guidance to help keep yourself in a more positive place. Many client testimonials.

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